Archawin Wongkittiruk


Hello there.

I'm currently a student at University College London, working towards an MSc in Software Systems Engineering. I aspire to become a software engineer once I graduate.


Academic Projects

Student Group Project Management Tool - ScrumSleek

MERN Stack - Individual

Data Application for Mappin

Java with JavaFX - Team Size: 9

Kanban Board Manager

Java with JavaFX - Team Size: 5

London Rental Explorer

Java with JavaFX - Team Size: 4

Predator Prey Simulation

Java with Swing - Team Size: 2

Personal Projects


MERN Stack - Individual

A clone of popular task management site Trello.


Node and Express with React - Individual

Discover YouTube channels in a strange new way.


React - Individual

Explore the political boundaries of the past.


C++ with SFML - Individual

The Chrome dinosaur game... with web slinging!

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Java with JavaFX - Individual

Turn plain text into an adventure game.

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